As this difficult year, filled with disruptions and uncertainty, comes to an end; it’s time to look forward to next year. We hope that you and your loved ones take some time to have a well-deserved break and think about what you hope to achieve in 2022.

Take some time to reflect on the past year by finishing these sentences

  • The biggest lesson I learned…
  • My biggest challenge was…
  • The biggest risk I took…
  • The biggest thing I accomplished…
  • What were you not able to accomplish
  • I am most grateful for…

 After reflecting on 2021, take some time to think about the twelve months ahead and what financial goals you would like to set for you and your family

  • Do you want to ensure your emergency fund is sufficient
  • Are you thinking about retirement
  • Do you want to invest
  • Do you want to ensure that your family is taken care of if the unforeseen occurs?

The ST Wealth Team would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous 2022

Please head across to our Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram page to watch our video as it puts faces to the ST Wealth Team.